
Add the app to installed apps:


Add the authentication backend EmailBackend:

    # Needed to login by username in Django admin, regardless of `nopassword`

    # Send login codes via email

Add urls to your

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^accounts/', include('nopassword.urls')),


There are several predefined backends. Usage of those backends are listed below.


Delivers the code by email. It uses the django send email functionality to send the emails.

Override the following templates to customize emails:

  • registration/login_email.txt - Plain text message
  • registration/login_email.html - HTML message (note that no default html message is attached)
  • registration/login_subject.txt - Subject
class nopassword.backends.sms.TwilioBackend

Delivers the code by sms sent through the twilio service.

Override the following template to customize messages:

  • registration/login_sms.txt - SMS message

Custom backends

In there is a NoPasswordBackend, from which it is possible to build custom backends. The EmailBackend described above inherits from this backend. Creating your own backend can be done by creating a subclass of NoPasswordBackend and implementing send_login_code.:

class CustomBackend(NoPasswordBackend):

    def send_login_code(self, code, context, **kwargs):
        Use code.user to get contact information
        Use context to render a custom template
        Use kwargs in case you have a custom view that provides additional configuration